example 1: nick cannon and mariah carey. who woulda thought?? now after there marriage they are discussing the idea of kids!! whaat?? well. whatever makes them happy. we'll see how long they last. although they do seem "in love"

here's the link:
example: last month on april 4th, beyonce and jay-z got married in jazy-z's "apartment" HA! more like penthouse! lol well you kno that they will bne together for a while. if she can date him for 2 years its not a spur of the moment type of thing. go head girl lol

here's the link.
1 comment:
did you see the tat on that pussy whipped mother fucker!!!! dear God. out little nickelodean nick found him some good ass nana [no homo]
i mean too stamp M A R I A H in fancy letters across your back is doing a litle to much for me ya digg.
as for beyonce and jay-z we all new it was comming
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