we went to the beach on saturday. bt me..i went two days in a row so you kno im tired lol. you can refer to pics below for friday w. the other loves [zo, dani, dominique (the birthday grl), and gary]
that night went to the movies [saturday] w. the loves zo nd dani (she had majjooor sunburn i felt sorry for the poor girl cuz temi went and practically smacked her ahah) that's not funny. lol saw don't mess with the zohan; slept over aaryn's then went lounging by the pool while aaryn went swimming
sunday i was treated to a movie, the stranger, after i left the australia meeting, by my bestest jade =]
that movie is so confusing its mind boggling. i'm still thinking about the ending and how it was relevant to the whole movie. it was wack bt i will admit i was scared at some points. that night forced mom's to go to the ER. she dropped a sheet of glass on her foot. nd i was about to shove my foot up one of the worker's ASS!
both monday and today i've been working so hard! baysitting. now it doesn't sound like much but not wen they want you to do everything with them and be there at 7:30 in the morning wen you went to sleep at 2!
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