job soon i think so!
i hop you know what that means...
it means i'm THIS much closer to coming back for spring break
pray for me. ["saint bernard pray for us" haha]
just had my last day of driver's ed.
driving starts saturday thank goodness.
lets just hope i passed the test.
we are definitely having issues.
it seems i have so many thoughts in my head that i don't have a train of thought which leads to me not being able to communicate....great.
o. did i mention i love brianna rouzan?!
"don't mean to toot my own horn but, uh, BEEP BEEP!"
peace in the middle east.
facebook. =]
Cathleen Mae (St. Bernard High School) wrote
at 2:41am
just in case you didn't know...
your presence is very much missed, here in the city of la =)
btw: that time is for the east coast. do the math. subtract 3 hrs.
peace in the middle east.
o! so i was worried that aaryn's birthday letter (which is a tradition) wouldn't get to her on time because the mail delieverers (watever) wanna be douches haha. the only reason i say this is because i sent out 2 packages and one letter for christmas and people STILL have not gotten them. bizarre i tell you. but to the point, aaryn got the letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited and so is she. i hope she loves it =] she says she's going to wait until monday (her birthday) to open it...doubt it lol let's see if she'll challenge me. she'll prolly lie and say she waited haha but at least she's going to read it. yippee!
and as you've seen she's addressed the monkey situation. how absurd this all is. but i totally agree with her. if it looks like it, sounds like it. then hell. that's what it freakin is.
at 2:41am
just in case you didn't know...
your presence is very much missed, here in the city of la =)
btw: that time is for the east coast. do the math. subtract 3 hrs.
peace in the middle east.
o! so i was worried that aaryn's birthday letter (which is a tradition) wouldn't get to her on time because the mail delieverers (watever) wanna be douches haha. the only reason i say this is because i sent out 2 packages and one letter for christmas and people STILL have not gotten them. bizarre i tell you. but to the point, aaryn got the letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited and so is she. i hope she loves it =] she says she's going to wait until monday (her birthday) to open it...doubt it lol let's see if she'll challenge me. she'll prolly lie and say she waited haha but at least she's going to read it. yippee!
and as you've seen she's addressed the monkey situation. how absurd this all is. but i totally agree with her. if it looks like it, sounds like it. then hell. that's what it freakin is.
los angeles,
time zones
i'm not a fan of politics BUT
this caught my attention.

there is now way in hell this can't be percieved as racist.
the article from
A cartoon likening the author of the stimulus bill, perhaps President Barack Obama, with a rabid chimpanzee graced the pages of the New York Post on Wednesday.
The drawing, from famed cartoonist Sean Delonas, is rife with violent imagery and racial undertones. In it, two befuddled-looking police officers holding guns look over the dead and bleeding chimpanzee that attacked a woman in Stamford, Connecticut.
"They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill," reads the caption.
An email to Delonas and a call to the New York Post went unreturned. The cartoon appears both on the New York Post website and page 12 of the Wednesday paper.
At its most benign, the cartoon suggests that the stimulus bill was so bad, monkeys may as well have written it. Others believe it compares the president to a rabid chimp. Either way, the incorporation of violence and (on a darker level) race into politics is bound to be controversial. Perhaps that's what Delonas wanted.
UPDATE: Rev. Al Sharpton has weighed in on the cartoon in a statement:
"The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."
"Being that the stimulus bill has been the first legislative victory of President Barack Obama (the first African American president) and has become synonymous with him it is not a reach to wonder are they inferring that a monkey wrote the last bill?"
The New York Post has issued a statement defending its stimulus/chimp cartoon and slamming Rev. Al Sharpton for protesting the piece.
Here's the full statement by Col Allan, editor-in-chief of the Post:
"The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist."
as for me:
if it looks racist and sounds racist, idgaf. it is racist.

there is now way in hell this can't be percieved as racist.
the article from
A cartoon likening the author of the stimulus bill, perhaps President Barack Obama, with a rabid chimpanzee graced the pages of the New York Post on Wednesday.
The drawing, from famed cartoonist Sean Delonas, is rife with violent imagery and racial undertones. In it, two befuddled-looking police officers holding guns look over the dead and bleeding chimpanzee that attacked a woman in Stamford, Connecticut.
"They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill," reads the caption.
An email to Delonas and a call to the New York Post went unreturned. The cartoon appears both on the New York Post website and page 12 of the Wednesday paper.
At its most benign, the cartoon suggests that the stimulus bill was so bad, monkeys may as well have written it. Others believe it compares the president to a rabid chimp. Either way, the incorporation of violence and (on a darker level) race into politics is bound to be controversial. Perhaps that's what Delonas wanted.
UPDATE: Rev. Al Sharpton has weighed in on the cartoon in a statement:
"The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."
"Being that the stimulus bill has been the first legislative victory of President Barack Obama (the first African American president) and has become synonymous with him it is not a reach to wonder are they inferring that a monkey wrote the last bill?"
The New York Post has issued a statement defending its stimulus/chimp cartoon and slamming Rev. Al Sharpton for protesting the piece.
Here's the full statement by Col Allan, editor-in-chief of the Post:
"The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist."
as for me:
if it looks racist and sounds racist, idgaf. it is racist.
so basically i'm in awe on how people, specifically females, don't have respect for other people. in this particular situation, i think it's mind boggling how females don't respect when another female has a man yet they still want to get with them. i don't care how much you like them or are "in love" with them. that does not give you the right to invade on their relationship with their significant other. i mean come on even i KNOW that. from my personal experience, even though i might have liked someone, once they tell me they're taken i back the hell up no matter how strong of feelings i have towards them. but anyway, females and everyone i feel needs to learn the art of respect and general courtesy.
respeito= portguese for what? you guessed it: respect.
thanks yaya :D
i know i say this all the time but i reeaaally miss aaryn. & i'm stealing her picture lol:

peace in the middle east.
respeito= portguese for what? you guessed it: respect.
thanks yaya :D
i know i say this all the time but i reeaaally miss aaryn. & i'm stealing her picture lol:

peace in the middle east.
as far as blogging goes
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