
facebook. =]

Cathleen Mae (St. Bernard High School) wrote
at 2:41am
just in case you didn't know...
your presence is very much missed, here in the city of la =)

btw: that time is for the east coast. do the math. subtract 3 hrs.
peace in the middle east.

o! so i was worried that aaryn's birthday letter (which is a tradition) wouldn't get to her on time because the mail delieverers (watever) wanna be douches haha. the only reason i say this is because i sent out 2 packages and one letter for christmas and people STILL have not gotten them. bizarre i tell you. but to the point, aaryn got the letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited and so is she. i hope she loves it =] she says she's going to wait until monday (her birthday) to open it...doubt it lol let's see if she'll challenge me. she'll prolly lie and say she waited haha but at least she's going to read it. yippee!

and as you've seen she's addressed the monkey situation. how absurd this all is. but i totally agree with her. if it looks like it, sounds like it. then hell. that's what it freakin is.

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