

school's almost over!!
3 more days and im out this bitch! ahhah
God. can't wait.

got some master plans goin on:
1)Find either a ska or reggae concert to go to.
- regular ones are just so over rated and plus i don't wanna pay money for a rapper who's gunna stand there and say sum words. nothing powerful or get me hyped. [lol hyped!] of course there are those exceptions like my fav. lupe. pharrell (n.e.r.d.), and i'm too blank to squeeze out some more. but yea. i wanna skank ahah [look it up on you tube i just learned today =)]

[curently listenig to: daydreaming
+ lupe fiasco feat. jill scott]

2)Go on eBay or some place cheap to get an digital SLR.
- i swear if i don't get one soon i'm gunna die of low quality pictures. its driving me crazy. today i entered a photography contest to win a Nikon D60 i started looking for pictures to upload and i was ashamed. ugh. so now i guess you can say i'm "patiently" waiting..

[curently listening to: illusion, coma, pimp & circumstance
+ prince]

3) Find a stable job.
- babysitting aint cuttin it. and that's true. although i got a raise i haven't been working that much cuz they haven't been needing me. so i've been asking my friends wat i should do to make money non-sexually lol

primous: jamba juice, cold stone, lemonade stand some other stuff kinda blanked out on him lol then he sed slang [that's a no-no]

saied: slang lol, wash cars, mow lawns, babysit

khris: park, babysit, bake cookies, sumthin else that wasn't helpful lol

[currently listening to: submerge
+ maxwell]

bt at least i babysit on monday and tuesday $72 a day. i can hang maybe i'll stay a little bit longer on purpose lol

3) go back to hollywood/santa monica/melrose for those vintage/thrift shop stores.
- they are too bomb. haven't been there in over a year and my wardrobe needs an update.

4) operation "prime rib" lmaoo [insyder] won't go into details.

man..finals wednesday-friday. get out at 11:30; friday: beach ritual. hopefully good pictures and it won't be cold. gotta try on those year-old bathing suits and somehow make them fit in the coarse of...2 days, 3 days tops. lol

[currently listening to: i can't leave em alone
+ ciara feat. 50 cent]

gosh. i need an mff. quick.
it's late. i should be sleep. g'nite.
past events:
+ saturday, sharrocky's bonfire...left early
+ sunday, dance recital...i thought is was great. jealous much? ...kinda
+ thursday/friday, sex and the city at 12 on the dot! overly bomb movie...bonding w/ madre good times
+ friday, no school, heard the graduation...annoying since i wasn't actually there
+ saturday, shawty
+ sunday, islands x walgreens lol bonding con mi madre
+ sunday, study group w/ red x temi, made a shirt...yes i sew =]


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